Zach Intrater

Zach Intrater

Zach Intrater
Zach Intrater represents individuals in criminal cases.
Zach was a litigation associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP for approximately three years. He clerked for the Honorable Michael A. Chagares, (now-Chief Judge) of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and before that for the Honorable Berle M. Schiller, of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Zach then spent eleven years at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey. As a federal prosecutor, Zach specialized in white collar criminal matters, and held several supervisory positions, including Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Crimes Unit and Deputy Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit. For his final three years at the U.S. Attorney's Office, Zach was Executive Assistant United States Attorney, the number-three position in an office of approximately 170 federal prosecutors. Immediately prior to founding Agnifilo Intrater LLP, Zach was Of Counsel at Brafman & Associates, P.C., a criminal defense boutique in New York City.
New York University School of Law
J.D., 2003
University of Chicago
B.A., 1999
No Charges Against Client
No charges: SDNY wire fraud/bank fraud investigation; client named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY/SEC insider trading investigation; client identified as target of investigation and that case was “pretty well wrapped up” against client; after multiple presentations to government, no charges either criminal or civil filed against client; client’s partner indicted.
No charges: EDNY money laundering investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY horse-doping case; client named target of investigation and sent plea agreement by government; no plea and no charges filed against client; 27 other defendants indicted.
No charges: Middle District of Florida Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property investigation; client named target of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client; another target indicted.
No charges: DANY theft of jewels case; client named subject of investigation; after presentations to government, matter resolved with no charges; client’s counterpart indicted.
No charges: EDNY Health Care Fraud investigation; client, a doctor, named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed against client; others indicted.
No charges: District of New Jersey investigation; client, an accountant, named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed against client; others charged.
No charges: EDNY AKS/Health Care Fraud/Stark Law investigation; client, a doctor, named target or subject of four different criminal investigations; all resolved without any charges against client; client resolving matter with a civil resolution at a fraction of the government’s original demand.
No charges: DNJ sexual assault on an airplane investigation; client named target of investigation; after presentation to the government, matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DANY construction fraud case; client named subject of investigation; no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY accounting fraud matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY securities fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DNJ Health Care Fraud/PPP Fraud action; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: District of New Jersey AKS/Stark Law investigation; client named a subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: Southern District of Ohio tax fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY political corruption matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice investigation into unlawful use of federal property; client named subject of investigation; after presentation to government, matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: CEO of public company faced with investigation into possible embezzlement, immigration fraud, and wire fraud; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice tax fraud investigation; matter resolved with non-prosecution agreement for client.
No charges: DNJ; clients named targets of contempt of court charge; matter resolved with no charges filed against clients.
Written declination: SDNY obstruction of justice investigation; client received written letter from SDNY declining to prosecute and closing case.
Dismissal after Indictment: DNJ VICAR and Obstruction of Justice matter. Case dismissed on Speedy Trial Act grounds.
Dismissal after Indictment: Bergen County, NJ; client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree (two counts); Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); and Endangering the Morals of a Child in the Third Degree. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Indictment: Brooklyn DA; client charged with Robbery in the Third Degree; Attempted Robbery in the Third Degree (two counts); Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); Menacing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and Obstructing Governmental Administration. All charges dismissed after client completed mental health treatment.
Dismissal after Indictment: New Jersey Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor; client indicted on three counts of tax fraud. Case dismissed with Pre-Trial Intervention and no guilty plea.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; client charged with assault and child endangerment. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Essex County Prosecutor’s Office; client charged with three counts of possession of illegal drugs. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; Client charged with unlawful possession of ammunition. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Rockland County DA matter; client charged with Reckless Endangerment. Case dismissed.
No Jail: District of New Jersey securities fraud matter; client charged with insider trading and reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client sentenced to probation.
Sixty Days: Southern District of California & Main Justice transacting in criminal proceeds matter; client indicted on four counts relating to a robocalling scheme. Guidelines range of 21-27 months. Client received sentence of 60 days imprisonment.
Five Months: District of New Jersey counterfeit goods matter. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client received sentence of five months imprisonment.
Trial: SDNY wire fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, aggravated identity theft trial (United States v. Moslem, Crim. No. 19-547 (CS)
Trial: EDNY FCPA and money laundering trial (United States v. Ng, Crim No. 18-538 (MKB)
Trial: DNJ VICAR and obstruction of justice trial (United States v. Manzo, Crim. No. 24-194 (SDW)
Ten additional trials to verdict as a federal prosecutor
No criminal conviction: Client charged with seven misdemeanors arising out of DWI; case resolved with violation and no criminal conviction.
Misdemeanor: SDNY RICO; Client charged in 19 person Indictment; case resolved with a misdemeanor.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: EDNY extortion matter; client indicted; received offer of DPA.
Extortion rebuffed: Client falsely accused of sexual assault and shaken down for seven figure sum; matter resolved with client not paying one penny and counterparty’s attorney firing their client.
Extradition: SDNY extradition matter relating to international money laundering scheme; client remains at liberty
Selected Current Representations
Indictment: Eastern District of New York insider trading matter
Indictment: District of New Jersey wire fraud matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: District of New Jersey AKS matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: SDNY market manipulation matter
Indictment: Main Justice market manipulation matter
Indictment: SDNY wire fraud and money laundering matter
Investigation: District of New Jersey bank fraud investigation
Investigation: SDNY health care fraud investigation
Investigation: District of New Jersey tax fraud matter
Complaint: Queens DA attempted murder and arson matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey money laundering and financial regulation matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey PPP fraud matter
Complaint: DANY strangulation and assault matter
Sealed Complaint: Federal matter where charges have been sealed for nearly three years
New York and New Jersey State Bars
Eastern and Southern Districts of New York
District of New Jersey
Zach Intrater represents individuals in criminal cases.
Zach was a litigation associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP for approximately three years. He clerked for the Honorable Michael A. Chagares, (now-Chief Judge) of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and before that for the Honorable Berle M. Schiller, of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Zach then spent eleven years at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey. As a federal prosecutor, Zach specialized in white collar criminal matters, and held several supervisory positions, including Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Crimes Unit and Deputy Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit. For his final three years at the U.S. Attorney's Office, Zach was Executive Assistant United States Attorney, the number-three position in an office of approximately 170 federal prosecutors. Immediately prior to founding Agnifilo Intrater LLP, Zach was Of Counsel at Brafman & Associates, P.C., a criminal defense boutique in New York City.
New York University School of Law
J.D., 2003
University of Chicago
B.A., 1999
No Charges Against Client
No charges: SDNY wire fraud/bank fraud investigation; client named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY/SEC insider trading investigation; client identified as target of investigation and that case was “pretty well wrapped up” against client; after multiple presentations to government, no charges either criminal or civil filed against client; client’s partner indicted.
No charges: EDNY money laundering investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY horse-doping case; client named target of investigation and sent plea agreement by government; no plea and no charges filed against client; 27 other defendants indicted.
No charges: Middle District of Florida Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property investigation; client named target of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client; another target indicted.
No charges: DANY theft of jewels case; client named subject of investigation; after presentations to government, matter resolved with no charges; client’s counterpart indicted.
No charges: EDNY Health Care Fraud investigation; client, a doctor, named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed against client; others indicted.
No charges: District of New Jersey investigation; client, an accountant, named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed against client; others charged.
No charges: EDNY AKS/Health Care Fraud/Stark Law investigation; client, a doctor, named target or subject of four different criminal investigations; all resolved without any charges against client; client resolving matter with a civil resolution at a fraction of the government’s original demand.
No charges: DNJ sexual assault on an airplane investigation; client named target of investigation; after presentation to the government, matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DANY construction fraud case; client named subject of investigation; no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY accounting fraud matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY securities fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DNJ Health Care Fraud/PPP Fraud action; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: District of New Jersey AKS/Stark Law investigation; client named a subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: Southern District of Ohio tax fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY political corruption matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice investigation into unlawful use of federal property; client named subject of investigation; after presentation to government, matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: CEO of public company faced with investigation into possible embezzlement, immigration fraud, and wire fraud; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice tax fraud investigation; matter resolved with non-prosecution agreement for client.
No charges: DNJ; clients named targets of contempt of court charge; matter resolved with no charges filed against clients.
Written declination: SDNY obstruction of justice investigation; client received written letter from SDNY declining to prosecute and closing case.
Dismissal after Indictment: DNJ VICAR and Obstruction of Justice matter. Case dismissed on Speedy Trial Act grounds.
Dismissal after Indictment: Bergen County, NJ; client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree (two counts); Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); and Endangering the Morals of a Child in the Third Degree. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Indictment: Brooklyn DA; client charged with Robbery in the Third Degree; Attempted Robbery in the Third Degree (two counts); Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); Menacing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and Obstructing Governmental Administration. All charges dismissed after client completed mental health treatment.
Dismissal after Indictment: New Jersey Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor; client indicted on three counts of tax fraud. Case dismissed with Pre-Trial Intervention and no guilty plea.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; client charged with assault and child endangerment. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Essex County Prosecutor’s Office; client charged with three counts of possession of illegal drugs. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; Client charged with unlawful possession of ammunition. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Rockland County DA matter; client charged with Reckless Endangerment. Case dismissed.
No Jail: District of New Jersey securities fraud matter; client charged with insider trading and reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client sentenced to probation.
Sixty Days: Southern District of California & Main Justice transacting in criminal proceeds matter; client indicted on four counts relating to a robocalling scheme. Guidelines range of 21-27 months. Client received sentence of 60 days imprisonment.
Five Months: District of New Jersey counterfeit goods matter. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client received sentence of five months imprisonment.
Trial: SDNY wire fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, aggravated identity theft trial (United States v. Moslem, Crim. No. 19-547 (CS)
Trial: EDNY FCPA and money laundering trial (United States v. Ng, Crim No. 18-538 (MKB)
Trial: DNJ VICAR and obstruction of justice trial (United States v. Manzo, Crim. No. 24-194 (SDW)
Ten additional trials to verdict as a federal prosecutor
No criminal conviction: Client charged with seven misdemeanors arising out of DWI; case resolved with violation and no criminal conviction.
Misdemeanor: SDNY RICO; Client charged in 19 person Indictment; case resolved with a misdemeanor.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: EDNY extortion matter; client indicted; received offer of DPA.
Extortion rebuffed: Client falsely accused of sexual assault and shaken down for seven figure sum; matter resolved with client not paying one penny and counterparty’s attorney firing their client.
Extradition: SDNY extradition matter relating to international money laundering scheme; client remains at liberty
Selected Current Representations
Indictment: Eastern District of New York insider trading matter
Indictment: District of New Jersey wire fraud matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: District of New Jersey AKS matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: SDNY market manipulation matter
Indictment: Main Justice market manipulation matter
Indictment: SDNY wire fraud and money laundering matter
Investigation: District of New Jersey bank fraud investigation
Investigation: SDNY health care fraud investigation
Investigation: District of New Jersey tax fraud matter
Complaint: Queens DA attempted murder and arson matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey money laundering and financial regulation matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey PPP fraud matter
Complaint: DANY strangulation and assault matter
Sealed Complaint: Federal matter where charges have been sealed for nearly three years
New York and New Jersey State Bars
Eastern and Southern Districts of New York
District of New Jersey
Zach Intrater represents individuals in criminal cases.
Zach was a litigation associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP for approximately three years. He clerked for the Honorable Michael A. Chagares, (now-Chief Judge) of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and before that for the Honorable Berle M. Schiller, of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Zach then spent eleven years at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey. As a federal prosecutor, Zach specialized in white collar criminal matters, and held several supervisory positions, including Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Crimes Unit and Deputy Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit. For his final three years at the U.S. Attorney's Office, Zach was Executive Assistant United States Attorney, the number-three position in an office of approximately 170 federal prosecutors. Immediately prior to founding Agnifilo Intrater LLP, Zach was Of Counsel at Brafman & Associates, P.C., a criminal defense boutique in New York City.
New York University School of Law
J.D., 2003
University of Chicago
B.A., 1999
No Charges Against Client
No charges: SDNY wire fraud/bank fraud investigation; client named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY/SEC insider trading investigation; client identified as target of investigation and that case was “pretty well wrapped up” against client; after multiple presentations to government, no charges either criminal or civil filed against client; client’s partner indicted.
No charges: EDNY money laundering investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed; others indicted.
No charges: SDNY horse-doping case; client named target of investigation and sent plea agreement by government; no plea and no charges filed against client; 27 other defendants indicted.
No charges: Middle District of Florida Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property investigation; client named target of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client; another target indicted.
No charges: DANY theft of jewels case; client named subject of investigation; after presentations to government, matter resolved with no charges; client’s counterpart indicted.
No charges: EDNY Health Care Fraud investigation; client, a doctor, named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed against client; others indicted.
No charges: District of New Jersey investigation; client, an accountant, named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed against client; others charged.
No charges: EDNY AKS/Health Care Fraud/Stark Law investigation; client, a doctor, named target or subject of four different criminal investigations; all resolved without any charges against client; client resolving matter with a civil resolution at a fraction of the government’s original demand.
No charges: DNJ sexual assault on an airplane investigation; client named target of investigation; after presentation to the government, matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DANY construction fraud case; client named subject of investigation; no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY accounting fraud matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY securities fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: DNJ Health Care Fraud/PPP Fraud action; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: District of New Jersey AKS/Stark Law investigation; client named a subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: Southern District of Ohio tax fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed.
No charges: SDNY political corruption matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice investigation into unlawful use of federal property; client named subject of investigation; after presentation to government, matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: CEO of public company faced with investigation into possible embezzlement, immigration fraud, and wire fraud; matter resolved with no charges against client.
No charges: DNJ/Main Justice tax fraud investigation; matter resolved with non-prosecution agreement for client.
No charges: DNJ; clients named targets of contempt of court charge; matter resolved with no charges filed against clients.
Written declination: SDNY obstruction of justice investigation; client received written letter from SDNY declining to prosecute and closing case.
Dismissal after Indictment: DNJ VICAR and Obstruction of Justice matter. Case dismissed on Speedy Trial Act grounds.
Dismissal after Indictment: Bergen County, NJ; client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree (two counts); Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); and Endangering the Morals of a Child in the Third Degree. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Indictment: Brooklyn DA; client charged with Robbery in the Third Degree; Attempted Robbery in the Third Degree (two counts); Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); Menacing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and Obstructing Governmental Administration. All charges dismissed after client completed mental health treatment.
Dismissal after Indictment: New Jersey Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor; client indicted on three counts of tax fraud. Case dismissed with Pre-Trial Intervention and no guilty plea.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; client charged with assault and child endangerment. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Essex County Prosecutor’s Office; client charged with three counts of possession of illegal drugs. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Brooklyn DA; Client charged with unlawful possession of ammunition. Case dismissed.
Dismissal after Complaint: Rockland County DA matter; client charged with Reckless Endangerment. Case dismissed.
No Jail: District of New Jersey securities fraud matter; client charged with insider trading and reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client sentenced to probation.
Sixty Days: Southern District of California & Main Justice transacting in criminal proceeds matter; client indicted on four counts relating to a robocalling scheme. Guidelines range of 21-27 months. Client received sentence of 60 days imprisonment.
Five Months: District of New Jersey counterfeit goods matter. Guidelines range of 24-30 months. Client received sentence of five months imprisonment.
Trial: SDNY wire fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, aggravated identity theft trial (United States v. Moslem, Crim. No. 19-547 (CS)
Trial: EDNY FCPA and money laundering trial (United States v. Ng, Crim No. 18-538 (MKB)
Trial: DNJ VICAR and obstruction of justice trial (United States v. Manzo, Crim. No. 24-194 (SDW)
Ten additional trials to verdict as a federal prosecutor
No criminal conviction: Client charged with seven misdemeanors arising out of DWI; case resolved with violation and no criminal conviction.
Misdemeanor: SDNY RICO; Client charged in 19 person Indictment; case resolved with a misdemeanor.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: EDNY extortion matter; client indicted; received offer of DPA.
Extortion rebuffed: Client falsely accused of sexual assault and shaken down for seven figure sum; matter resolved with client not paying one penny and counterparty’s attorney firing their client.
Extradition: SDNY extradition matter relating to international money laundering scheme; client remains at liberty
Selected Current Representations
Indictment: Eastern District of New York insider trading matter
Indictment: District of New Jersey wire fraud matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: District of New Jersey AKS matter; pending trial (no trial date set)
Indictment: SDNY market manipulation matter
Indictment: Main Justice market manipulation matter
Indictment: SDNY wire fraud and money laundering matter
Investigation: District of New Jersey bank fraud investigation
Investigation: SDNY health care fraud investigation
Investigation: District of New Jersey tax fraud matter
Complaint: Queens DA attempted murder and arson matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey money laundering and financial regulation matter
Complaint: District of New Jersey PPP fraud matter
Complaint: DANY strangulation and assault matter
Sealed Complaint: Federal matter where charges have been sealed for nearly three years
New York and New Jersey State Bars
Eastern and Southern Districts of New York
District of New Jersey
445 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
445 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
445 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.