
No Charges Against Client

  • No charges:  SDNY wire fraud/bank fraud investigation; client named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed; others indicted. 

  • No charges:  SDNY/SEC insider trading investigation; client identified as target of investigation and that case was “pretty well wrapped up” against client; after multiple presentations to government, no charges either criminal or civil filed against client; client’s partner indicted.

  • No charges:  EDNY money laundering investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed; others indicted. 

  • No charges:  SDNY horse-doping case; client named target of investigation and sent plea agreement by government; no plea and no charges filed against client; 27 other defendants indicted.

  • No charges:  Middle District of Florida Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property investigation; client named target of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client; another target indicted.

  • No charges:  DANY theft of jewels case; client named subject of investigation; after presentations to government, matter resolved with no charges; client’s counterpart indicted.

  • No charges:  EDNY Health Care Fraud investigation; client, a doctor, named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed against client; others indicted.

  • No charges:  District of New Jersey investigation; client, an accountant, named target of investigation; case resolved with no charges filed against client; others charged.

  • No charges:  EDNY AKS/Health Care Fraud/Stark Law investigation; client, a doctor, named target or subject of four different criminal investigations; all resolved without any charges against client; client resolving matter with a civil resolution at a fraction of the government’s original demand. 

  • No charges:  DNJ sexual assault on an airplane investigation; client named target of investigation; after presentation to the government, matter resolved with no charges filed.

  • No charges:  DANY construction fraud case; client named subject of investigation; no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  SDNY accounting fraud matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  SDNY securities fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  DNJ Health Care Fraud/PPP Fraud action; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  District of New Jersey AKS/Stark Law investigation; client named a subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  Southern District of Ohio tax fraud investigation; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges filed. 

  • No charges:  SDNY political corruption matter; client named subject of investigation; matter resolved with no charges against client. 

  • No charges:  DNJ/Main Justice investigation into unlawful use of federal property; client named subject of investigation; after presentation to government, matter resolved with no charges against client. 

  • No charges:  CEO of public company faced with investigation into possible embezzlement, immigration fraud, and wire fraud; matter resolved with no charges against client. 

  • No charges:  DNJ/Main Justice tax fraud investigation; matter resolved with non-prosecution agreement for client. 

  • No charges:  DNJ; clients named targets of contempt of court charge; matter resolved with no charges filed against clients.

  • Written declination:  SDNY obstruction of justice investigation; client received written letter from SDNY declining to prosecute and closing case.


  • Dismissal after Indictment:  DNJ VICAR and Obstruction of Justice matter.  Case dismissed on Speedy Trial Act grounds. 

  • Dismissal after Indictment:  Bergen County, NJ; client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree (two counts); Sexual Asault in the Second Degree (two counts); and Endangering the Morals of a Child in the Third Degree.  Case dismissed. 

  • Dismissal after Indictment:  Brooklyn DA; client charged with Robbery in the Third Degree; Attempted Robbery in the Third Degree (two counts); Assault in the Second Degree (two counts); Menacing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and Obstructing Governmental Administration.  All charges dismissed after client completed mental health treatment.

  • Dismissal after Indictment:  New Jersey Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor; client indicted on three counts of tax fraud.  Case dismissed with Pre-Trial Intervention and no guilty plea.

  • Dismissal after Complaint:  Brooklyn DA; client charged with assault and child endangerment.  Case dismissed. 

  • Dismissal after Complaint:  Essex County Prosecutor’s Office; client charged with three counts of possession of illegal drugs.  Case dismissed. 

  • Dismissal after Complaint:  Brooklyn DA; Client charged with unlawful possession of ammunition.  Case dismissed. 

  • Dismissal after Complaint:  Rockland County DA matter; client charged with Reckless Endangerment.  Case dismissed. 


  • No Jail:  District of New Jersey securities fraud matter; client charged with insider trading and reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit.  Guidelines range of 24-30 months.  Client sentenced to probation.

  • No Jail: District of New Jersey conspiracy to commit violations of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute; client charged with soliciting and accepting cash payments from certain laboratories in exchange for sending patients’ tests to those laboratories. Guidelines range of 30-37 months. Client sentenced to home confinement.

  • No Jail: Eastern District of New York Money Laundering Conspiracy; client charged in multi-count money laundering indictment and pled to Causing the Failure to File Reports. Guidelines range of 70-87 months. Client sentenced to home confinement.

  • Sixty Days:  Southern District of California & Main Justice transacting in criminal proceeds matter; client indicted on four counts relating to a robocalling scheme.  Guidelines range of 21-27 months.  Client received sentence of 60 days imprisonment.  

  • Five Months:  District of New Jersey counterfeit goods matter. Guidelines range of 24-30 months.  Client received sentence of five months imprisonment. 


  • Trial:  SDNY wire fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, aggravated identity theft trial (United States v. Moslem, Crim. No. ______ (CS) 

  • Trial:  EDNY FCPA and money laundering trial (United States v. Ng, Crim No. ____ (MKB)

  • Ten additional trials to verdict as a federal prosecutor


  • No criminal conviction:  Client charged with seven misdemeanors arising out of DWI; case resolved with violation and no criminal conviction. 

  • Misdemeanor:  SDNY RICO; Client charged in 19 person Indictment; case resolved with a misdemeanor. 

  • Deferred Prosecution Agreement:  EDNY extortion matter; client indicted; received offer of DPA.

  • Extortion rebuffed:  Client falsely accused of sexual assault and shaken down for seven figure sum; matter resolved with client not paying one penny and counterparty’s attorney firing their client. 

  • Extradition:  SDNY extradition matter relating to international money laundering scheme; client remains at liberty 

Selected Current Representations

  • Indictment:  District of New Jersey VICAR and obstruction of justice matter; pending trial May 20, 2024

  • Indictment:  District of Maryland wire fraud and mail fraud matter; pending trial September 9, 2024

  • Indictment:  Eastern District of New York Endangered Species Act and money laundering matter; pending trial (no trial date set)

  • Indictment:  District of New Jersey wire fraud matter; pending trial (no trial date set)

  • Indictment:  District of New Jersey AKS matter; pending trial (no trial date set)

  • Indictment:  SDNY market manipulation matter

  • Indictment:  Main Justice market manipulation matter

  • Indictment:  SDNY wire fraud and money laundering matter

  • Investigation:  District of New Jersey bank fraud investigation

  • Investigation:  SDNY health care fraud investigation

  • Investigation:  District of New Jersey tax fraud matter

  • Complaint:  Queens DA attempted murder and arson matter

  • Complaint:  District of New Jersey money laundering and financial regulation matter

  • Complaint:  District of New Jersey PPP fraud matter

  • Complaint:  DANY strangulation and assault matter

  • Sealed Complaint:  Federal matter where charges have been sealed for nearly three years



445 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022


(646) 205 - 4350

Agnifilo Intrater



445 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022


(646) 205 - 4350